
Front-end developer Kieran Utz

Front-end developer. Virtuous knight of code for defending innovative technology & warrior with a flair for user-centered design.

Two Landsknechte looking outward, ready to interrogate. One rests their two-handed sword (Zweihänder) across the shoulder while the other loads their arquebus, pushing ammunition down the barrel with a scouring rod.

Who’s there?

Hey! I’m Kieran Utz, an intrepid explorer in the world of technology. For more than 12 years I have traveled the lands of web development, practical interfaces, subtle details, and good experience.

Two Landsknechte, captain (hauptmann) and lieutenant (leutnant), standing attentively. Weapons are resting in hand but not drawn, waiting for a reply.

State your business.

I build rich web applications & beautiful websites, write thoughtful content, enforce security to protect privacy, solve complex problems, and study a variety of brilliant solutions.

Two Landsknechte, fifer (pfeifer) and sergeant (waibel), standing at ease. The fifer entertains the sergeant with a musical performance.

Welcome, and enjoy!

Using proven technologies from my toolkit, I create robust products that are easy to maintain and developed to last.

Let’s see how I can build your next product.

Recent activities…

Cathay Pacific

Lead the web development of a proprietary web framework for Cathay Pacific Airways.

Equinox Software

Built the website for an electric utility software company Equinox Software Design and was involved in R&D for its main product CROW.

Åerth Design

Created a powerful framework, Åerth Core, tailored to drive your future website.

Two Landsknecht, drummer (trommler) and flag-bearer (fahnenträger), walk alongside eachother engaged in conversation.

What’s next?

Let’s build something remarkable.